3 rd Webinar on the subject “Sustainable
Development of Infrastructure Using Low
Carbon Cement Concrete Construction”
June 19 @ 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm
IRF India Chapter organized the 3 rd Webinar of the Webinar Series 2.0,
titled “Sustainable Development of Infrastructure Using Low Carbon Cement
Concrete Construction” on 19 th June 2024 from 17:00 – 18:30 Hrs.
At the outset, Mr. K.K. Kapila, Founder President, IRF-IC welcomed the participants
and gave a brief review of the Webinar series.
He invited Prof. P.K. Sikdar to welcome the distinguished Speakers, Panelists and
The following Speakers and Panelists joined the Webinar and shared their
thoughts and observations which are available on IRF-IC’s website www.indiairf.com
1. Mr. V.N. Heggade, Founder & CEO, DECon Complete Solutions
2. Dr. V. Ramachandra, Principal Advisor – Tech Services, Ultratech Cement Ltd.
(Topic: Moving Towards Net Zero in Concrete Constructions – Opportunities &