Our Initiatives

Since inception, IRF IC has been actively involved in multiple and diverse areas of work relating to road safety issues.

Initiatives of IRF India Chapter

Among IRF IC’s many activities, its annual Conferences on Road Safety themes have attracted global participation and have been universally lauded for their qualitative content and deliberations on strategic issues. Nine IRF Regional Conferences have so far been organized in India on special themes. The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has taken up the recommendations (link) of these Conferences with the concerned ministries and many of these are since under implementation.

Along with these Conferences, IRF IC organized two editions of Intertraffic India Exhibition, the world’s largest exhibition on Traffic Technology in 2011 and 2013.

The issues that the IRF IC has been pursuing through the concerned departments at Minister/ Secretary level include:

  • Printing road signs with their meanings in school texts
  • Preparation of integrated syllabus and course material on Road Safety for classes VI-X
  • Duty free import of Intelligent Transport System (ITS) related equipment for efficient traffic management and safety and driving simulators, which are essential for driver training schools
  • Income Tax Exemption for corporate donors and individual philanthropists etc., for expenditure on approved road safety initiatives
  • Setting standards for the use of Reflective Tapes on Bicycles through BIS – Making it mandatory at the manufacturers’ end to affix luminous tapes / strips on critical bicycle parts for improved visibility of bicycles at night. Inclusion in the codes for manufacturers of bicycles is presently under BIS scrutiny. Also fixing luminous conspicuity tapes on all sides of commercial vehicles, in compliance with the provisions of MV Act
  • Representation in the Central Motor Vehicle Rules Technical Standards Committee – Along with other stakeholders, it is pursuing the cause of enhancing vehicle safety by making certain safety features mandatory. Installation of various in-vehicle safety systems in all vehicles sold in India.
  • Directing cinema hall and multiplex owners to screen 2 to 3 minute duration road safety films prior to commercial screening. IRF IC has produced three films for this purpose, “EHSAAS” on drunken driving, “AFSOS”on helping accident victims and “KAASH” on helmet safety and adventurism in motorcycle riding. These films have also been sub-titled in different regional languages and are being screened in different States. 3 short films “Helmet & Seat Belt”, “Spirit & Speed” and “Good Samaritan Law” of 1 minute duration were made with PVR Nest. Film “Rehana” was also made of 3 minutes and 1 minute duration with Maruti Suzuki India Ltd., and were released during the inaugural function of 31st National Road Safety Week 2020 by Mr. Nitin Gadkari, Hon’ble Union Minister of Road Transport & Highways, Govt. of India.
  • Providing soft copies of road safety hoardings and posters to the State Governments for display in prominent locations of cities and towns.
  • Issuing directives to all manufacturers of motorized two-wheelers to have headlights connected to the ignition, so that they always remain in on condition while in use to provide added safety through conspicuity
  • Identifying through a group of experts “Engineering Measures Required for Enhancement of Safety on High Speed Roads”, which are now under implementation
  • Creation of a Road Construction Workers Training Academy for creating skilled labour in improved methods of road construction
  • Training of Motor Vehicle Inspectors of Transport Departments for ensuring road worthiness of vehicles
  • Preparing and telecasting six road safety promos each of 3 to 4 minutes duration, jointly prepared by IRF IC and NDTV – a prominent Indian Television Channel
  • Stricter enforcement measures to control drunken driving
  • Launching a massive awareness campaign

The following are among its other noteworthy activities:

  • IRF IC has launched Certification Courses for Road Safety Auditors from February 2010 onwards, in collaboration with Australian Road Research Board (ARRB). Twelve week long courses have so far been conducted at Central Road Research Institute and Two 6-week long courses at the Indian Academy of Highway Engineers.
  • Four Roundtables on Intelligent Transport Systems
  • Signing of MoUs with the Governments of Rajasthan, NITI Aayog for cooperating in the field of Intelligent Transport Systems and with AUSTRADE.
  • A study of the deficiencies in road signs and bus stops without bus bays along a major set of corridors in Delhi, the recommendations and designs of which were taken up with the Government of Delhi
  • Road Accident Data Recorder (RADaR), a unique and universally adoptable system for scientific and comprehensive accident data collection through a tablet equipped with GPS and GPRS connectivity to web-server, as well as digital camera. This completely menu-driven touch-screen device is likely to revolutionize road crash investigation through providing end to end solutions using scientific data with greater ease, and consequently improve road safety in the developing world.
  • Adaptation to Indian conditions of CHANGER, a Green House Gas (GHG) Calculator developed by IRF, is being promoted for reducing the GHG emissions from the raw materials used in road construction projects.
  • An extensive Bicycle Conspicuity Drive so far covering 2,00,000 bicycles in Delhi. The initiative has been further extended in the States of Odisha and Andhra Pradesh to cover an additional 20,000 bicycles.
  • Conspicuity for Tractor Trolleys – Under this initiative, 2,000 tractor trolleys of cane farmers in 6 Sugar units in Uttar Pradesh were affixed with high quality retro reflective tapes with the generous CSR funds support of Indian Potash Limited.
  • Various tax exemptions for investments in road safety both under Section 80G of Income Tax Act 1961, as well as the more recent provisions of CSR under Section 135 of the Companies Act 2013. Road Safety activities are now 100% income tax exempt under Section 35AC of the Income Tax Act 1961.
  • Issuance and adoption of additional engineering measures towards ‘forgiving roads’ as well as mandatory Road Safety Audits at various stages of road development by the nodal Ministry of Road Transport.
  • Road Safety works being included as eligible for funding under the Member of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme.
  • Seminars jointly with MoRT&H on different subjects related to road safety. The recommendations of these Seminars are under consideration of the Ministry
  • A Quarterly newsletter for all the members and others with important news and views on the problems and solutions of road sector
  • Participating in international trade fairs organized by IRF in different countries to showcase Indian talent and achievements in road related activities
  • A Reception for the participants in the 1st Indo-Nepal Friendship Motor Car Rally and an impressive Vintage Car display on the occasion
  • Meeting of Chief Secretaries of States and Transport Commissioners in April 2015 to review the Status of Road Safety activities as required for the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety
  • Annual Participation in the Road Safety Week of the MoRT&H –Seminars organized on “Status of Road Safety and Safe Mobility Initiatives in India” (2015)“Road Safety – Time for Action” (2016), “Pursuing 4Es for Road Safety – In the Mission Mode” (2017), “Conclave on Road Safety” (2018) and “Trauma Care – a National Mission” (2019). Apart from participated in the Inaugural Walkathon flagging off the Road Safety Week, the IRF has also collaborated in arranging a Cyclothon.
  • International Road Federation – International Collaborative Centre for Mitigation of Traffic Injuries (IRF-ICMOT). This is an initiative that IRF has recently undertaken to train trainers and drivers of heavy commercial vehicles through a specially designed course of enhanced first aid training. So far, over 15,000 commercial drivers have been trained under this programme.
  • Arising out of its eFD initiative, in 2017, IRF IC associated with the All India Institute of Medical Sciences to design a One Day Certification Programme, which was extended to include Bystanders, Road Side Amenities Providers, Volunteers etc. to respond to emergencies on account of road traffic incidents / accidents. IRF IC has trained bystanders on Guwahati-Dibrugarh National Highway stretch with support from NHIDCL and is currently implementing a project with a grant support of Ministry of Road Transport & Highways on the Delhi-Meerut stretch.
  • Identification and rectification of Black Spots
  • Developing a road safety matrix administered through State Transport Departments to monitor road safety activities and progress in the States, particularly for achieving the UN Decadal goals.
  • Road Shows – To propagate and promote IRF IC activities including a Golf Tournament.
  • Radio programme “Jete Rasta Sete Katha (Roads have Stories)’ – Ongoing since December 2018.
  • During the Road Safety Week 2019, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways awarded IRF IC a project to train 245 First Responders in Enhanced First Aid (eFD) Training on NH-24 Delhi-Meerut Highway Stretch.
  • Worked with Jindal Steel Foundation for their CSR Project “Stain-less Roads” covering three components – Road Safety Education in Schools, Bicycle Conspicuity Drive and Enhanced First Aid (eFD). The project was successfully completed in February 2020.
  • Joint Webinar with Avery Dennison on “Enhanced Traffic Sign Performance through Digital Printing on 17th June 2020.

Major Events

  • 18th World Road Meeting 2017
  • Global Transport Ministers Forum – A prelude to the World Road Meeting 2017 resulting in Signing of the Delhi Declaration on 13th November 2017.
  • Seminar on “Environmental Protection and Safety During Construction”, 13th& 14th July 2018
  • IRF IC & PHDCCI Curtain Raiser to NITI Aayog MOVE Initiative “Fast Tracking Road Safety”, 7th& 8th September 2018.
  • Celebrated 30th National Road Safety Week and organized a “Conference on Trauma Care – a National Mission” on 8th February 2019 with the support from Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, World Health Organisation, Asian Development Bank and in association with Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, ASSOCHAM.
  • Celebrated 31st National Road Safety Week (11th to 17th January 2020) and organized a “Conference on Trauma Care – a National Mission” on 15th January 2020 at FICCI Auditorium, Federation House, TansenMarg, New Delhi, with the support from Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, World Health Organisation and in association with Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry.
  • IRF IC was the Knowledge Partner in 2nd Motor Vehicle Accident Management Conference (MoVACon 2020) held between 20th& 21st February 2020 in Ahmedabad.
  • As an integral part of its mission of Road Safety, IRF-IC has launched a Webinar Series titled Road Safety Challenges in India & Preparation of an Action Plan intended for widespread awareness building and education of all stakeholders as well as the Society at large. The series will cover 12 Webinars on different themes.

The Webinar Series was flagged off on 9th February 2021, along with the first Webinar. It was organized to commence during the Annual Road Safety Month 2021 and most appropriately was graced by the Hon’ble Union Minister of Road Transport & Highways and MSME, Mr. Nitin Gadkari as the Chief Guest. The Hon’ble Minister inaugurated the Webinar series as also the first Webinar on “Road Safety Engineering & Challenges” on 9th February 2021.

6 Webinars have so far been held on the theme of:-

  • Road Safety Engineering & Challenges
  • Road Safety Engineering for Improved Safety
  • Safer Roads for Safety of All Road Users
  • Road Safety Management & Action Plan
  • Engineering Measures & Funding for Road Safety
  • Accident / Crash Data Collection & Management
  • Demonstration of Safe Corridors Projects in Seven States

As part of its Road Safety Plan 2021 and beyond, IRF India Chapter (IRF-IC) has embarked upon an on ground Road Safety initiative alongside its 12 monthly Webinars. The initiative would cover 7 worst affected highway stretches of 150-200 kms each in the 7 States with highest road accidents, namely, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Kerala, and Karnataka.

The objective of the exercise is to transform these highway stretches, in association with the State Governments, into forgiving roads with almost zero fatalities and serious injuries.  The transformation is intended through a series of corrective road safety management measures addressing the Es of road safety namely, Engineering, Education,Enforcement and Emergency Care.  On completion of the corrective actions, this will serve the validation purpose.

The Hon’ble Union Minister has already addressed the Chief Ministers of the selected States and the process of identifying the highway stretches and other associated actions in this regard are in progress.

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