Conference Chairman

Mr. K.K. Kapila
Chairman, IRF Geneva Programme Centre


The International Road Federation (IRF), a not-for-profit worldwide federation, is deeply committed to enhance road safety across the Globe. Each year nearly 1.3 million people die as a result of road crashes, 40 to 50 million people sustain non-fatal injuries resulting in disability worldwide. 80 to 90 percent of road traffic deaths occur in low and middle income countries. The economic loss on account of motor vehicle crashes has been estimated between 1% to 3% of the respective GNP of various countries in the world, resulting in an yearly loss of over US$ 1.3 trillion. The situation in India is also very grim with about 1,40,000 deaths and 5,00,000 injuries due to road crashes every year. It is thus imperative that this menace is addressed and all efforts are made to reduce road casualties and fatalities, which will help unlock the growth by freeing precious resources for more productive use.

The International Road Federation has been pursuing this cause, which has culminated in the proclamation of the Decade of Action for Road Safety for the period 2011-2020 by the UN General Assembly in March 2010. Pursuant to this, the UN Road Safety Collaboration (UNRSC) has enunciated a brief document aiming to guide Governments in planning their activities to implement the Decade of Action nationally, by addressing 5 pillars, viz. management, road infrastructure, vehicle design, road users and post-crash care. Accordingly, the United Nations has launched a Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020, aiming to reduce the forecast level of road deaths by 50%.

Actions at Government level have to be comprehensive and all pervasive so that the benefits percolate to all strata of society. This is required to be achieved through mass media programmes, clearly enunciating the 4Es i.e. Engineering, Education, Emergency Care and Enforcement in their entirety. The Heads of the States and concerned Ministers need to support the programmes, which will interalia cover interviews and talk shows involving road safety engineers, trainers, eminent social workers, relevant trauma centre doctors and traffic police commissioners, dwelling on the road safety issues critically affecting the local conditions.

With the aim of reducing road fatalities, IRF India Chapter has since 2006-07 been organizing Regional Conferences on various topics related to roads and road safety. The 8th Conference being held on “Road Infrastructure for Safe Mobility”, would focus on the status of road safety measures in India duly considering international experiences. The deliberations of this Conference will therefore, be extremely relevant to deal with road safety problems related to road infrastructure.

I would like to urge the Government to immediately set-up the National Road Safety and Traffic Management Board, with a dedicated Road Safety Fund, so that the various Road Safety Programmes receive due fillip and get implemented in a time bound manner.

An International Exhibition is also being organized to showcase the latest technologies in traffic and safety, and I hope these technologies will get progressively adopted in India.

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